Pleated Blinds

Perfect fit blinds for conservatories with heat refelctive properties for cooler summers and warmer winters

Phoenix Blinds' pleated blinds will liven up your windows and conservatory and together with Perfect-Fit frames the blinds become part of the window. With many fabrics to choose from including single and double pleat fabrics and fabrics with heat-reflective properties to ensure you get the ultimate performance from your blind to help keep your conservatory cooler in summer and warmer in winter.


Sourced from the best UK manufacturers
Heat reflective and Dual Cell fabrics are industry leading and help the conservatory be usable all year round. All PVCu components made to last and not discolour in the sun.

Perfect Fit

any style, shape and colour
Perfect-Fit by Louvolite is the ideal choice for the perfect look for your conservatory Separate frame and blind for each glass pane makes your blinds look part of the conservatory.

Quality Value and Service


designed, measured, made and fitted
We will help you design, we will measure and get your pleated blinds manufactured to the exact size and fit them as well. And don't forget we have a showroom with a landline number should you need to get hold of us.


Quality, Choice & Service
Perfect-Fit by Louvolite is the ideal choice for the perfect look for your consevatory Separate frame and blind for each glass pane makes your blinds look part of the conservatory.

Phoenix Blinds' pleated blinds will liven up your windows and conservatory and together with Perfect-Fit frames the blinds become part of the window.

Pleated blinds combine the key elements of flexibility, design and performance that sets them apart from other blinds. Choose these to provide a true focal point to any room or to provide the necessary control for heat and light in a conservatory or atrium.

Available to fit into a variety of window and door systems, Phoenix Blinds selects only high quality materials including single and double pleat fabrics and fabrics with heat-reflective properties to ensure you get the ultimate performance from your blind to help keep your conservatory cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

Pleated Perfect-Fit Blind


Pleated + Perfect Fit = Stunning

Pleated blinds in the conservatory with our Perfect-Fit frames is the best solution for any size and shape of conservatory.

A separate blind and Perfect-Fit frame is required for each glass panel of each window, the blinds become part of the conservatory, even on the opening windows or doors as the blind moves with it.

Perfect-Fit Pleated Blind Madrid SPC Chrome

Pleated for Doors

Door + Perfect-Fit = Ideal

Doors have traditionally been a problem for all types of blinds but now Pleated blinds with a Perfect-Fit frame problem is solved.

The blind and the Perfect-Fit frame becomes a cassette that clips onto the glass pane of the door, the blind then becomes part of the door and moves with it when the door is opened and closed.

Not only an ideal solution but looks great too.

Perfect-Fit Pleated Blind



Pleated blinds with a Perfect-Fit frame is our reccomendation and together with the Double Pleated fabric (as shown above) looks simply stunning.

The Perfect-Fit system means that each blind has a frame that clips onto brackets that are slid behind the rubber seals of your windows creating the appearance the blind is part of the window.

Ideal for any window, conservatory or door. 

Pleated Blind Fabrics


single or double pleats

Pleated blind fabrics come in varying styles and compositions, ranging from decorative patterned to subtle shades to performance fabrics thast will help keep your conservatory warmer in the winter as well as cooler in the summer. 

Double Pleat or Celled fabrics offer the ultimate in style as all of the holes are hidden from view as cords necesary for the control of the blind.
